Monday, April 5, 2010

Thesis Statement- ish

So we are meant to have posted a thesis statement for our paper today, while I am still working on my actual thesis statement I can further explain what my paper will be on. So here it goes...
Eliot says that "We had the experience but missed the meaning" my paper will look at how in literature it is not the experience that provides meaning but instead the remembrance of the experience. It is through memory that past, present, and future are able to become one and hopefully i will show that memory is necessary to epiphanies. Different texts employ memory in different ways but memory is vital in all of them.
I think maybe one way of looking at memory is through St.Augustine: Sheri Katz sums up his ideas on memory saying that Augustine wonders "whether God can be sought if God is not already known. The answer to this initial and central question of how a mere human can know God lies in memory. That is, Augustine will find God (and himself), and the answers to all of his questions, and the font and guarantee of all knowledge by turning inward and reflecting on his own memory."
This same idea of finding the answers to ones questions or finding epiphanies through memory ties in to dharma and sacred duty as well as detachment. I plan on using the Four Quartets as a primary text and then weaving all the other texts in. To be completely honest right now I feel a little bit like I am starting to see all the puzzle pieces but I cant make them fit together yet. While all these ideas sound disjointed it is my hope to make a cohesive understandable argument out of them.

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